Swans Flight is a Liquidity Syndicate with Global Representation​

Your funding and liquidity partner, offering access to a​ syndicated network of the largest funds in the world​

About Us

Swans Flight originated from work with the UK​ Government, assisting in the sourcing of large-scale projects, for the delivery of UK content and finance.

We offer quick access to​ liquidity in:​
  • Debt Markets​
  • Equity Investment​ 
  • Green Bond Issuance​ 
  • Transition Bond Issuance​
We can secure longer term maturity products from 25 to 40 years at lower rates due to our reach into the international debt markets.


Swans Flight's mission is to:​

Deliver vital liquidity and enable our clients to reach their objectives

Provide access to our extensive global partnerships to support
project realisation.

To finance sustainability and greener activities in emerging economies.

Gary Santino​

Chairman - Swans Flight​

We are about to see the largest​ movement of capital into major​ infrastructure and Climate Change​ related projects for most governments.​

Swans Flight will be instrumental in the​ flow of these liquidity movements as​ governments address the challenges​ posed by recent world events.

We invite our partners to join Swans​ Flight in our commitment to be a positive​ force in driving environmental and​ socially responsible growth in the​ economies we operate in.​

We accelerate your vision​


The scale of our​partner network is​vast, meaning we possess the experience to deliver on even the most complex of transactions​


Access to a panel of $2 trillion​ of available liquidity gives our​ clients two unique aspects of​ speeding up the decision ​making process​

  1. We deal with the final​ decision makers.
  2. Decisions are often given ​within a matter of hours and days.​


Leveraging on our​ substantial deal flow​ within the liquidity​ syndicate means we​ are able of secure​ some of the very best ​rates and associated ​terms available ​globally.​